Quo vadis ars?

The situation in the cultural sector has been described and discussed in numerous interviews, corona diaries, comments and reports in the past few weeks. Our annotated collection of currently 193 sources gathers voices from different sectors and media. This creates a picture of the cultural landscape in crisis, whose temporal transformation can be explored interactively via a dedicated tag cloud.


Geld allein reicht nicht . Coronafolgen im ärmsten Bundesland
Money alone is not enough . Corona effects in the poorest federal state

by Felicitas Boeselager (02 Oct 2020)
Original source: Deutschlandfunk

An independent theater group, two art students and a small club were interviewed by Felicitas Boeselager for her feature about the independent scene during the Corona crisis in Bremen. What all actors are sharing is the joy of being able to offer events again. The audience at all events was also enthusiastic and grateful to finally be able to experience culture again. The independent scene in Bremen is closely connected by the pandemic, mutual support and exchange about new formats is highly appreciated by those affected. Nevertheless, all of the actors are currently una ble to make ends meet without public funding for culture.

Stephan Behrmann, freelance actor and dramaturge as well as spokesman for the  »Alliance of Liberal Arts«, emphasizes that cultural funding in Bremen has been good for both the solo self-employed and the independent scene. However, he complains that the aid did not work so well in all federal states. He considers current scholarship programs that finance the artists' work on projects in an open-ended way to be good. He also rates the support provided by the "Neustart Kultur" program positively - even if one billion does not really seem sufficient considering the size of the industry. Whether the money actually helps the individual artists cannot be predicted at the moment - especially since the administrative effort involved in awarding grants is quite high. How many  »silent deaths«, i.e. artists who have looked for a job in another branch, are to be registered, is currently not yet foreseeable. The situation will not improve in the next few years either. Since the municipalities are very much shaken, they cannot afford to support culture. Behrmann therefore considers it an inevitable consequence that the federal government will help out.

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tag Bremen Kultursommer Bremen Freie Szene Clubszene Kulturförderung Neustart Kultur stiller Tod Insolvenz
All sections Feature und Interview

Wir sind ein Ökosystem . Krise des Kunstmarkts
We are an eco system . Crisis of the art market

by Deborah Schamoni, Esther Schipper, Catrin Lorch (11 Sep 2020)
Original source: Süddeutsche Zeitung

With the exception of Art Cologne, all major art fairs have been cancelled in 2020. On the occasion of the traditional gallery tours, which open the cultural autumn in Berlin, Cologne, Düsseldorf and Munich, gallery owners Esther Schipper and Deborah Schamoni are talking about the state of the industry in Corona Autumn.
The art trade is not down, but the situation is serious. Whereas international collectors traditionally attended the gallery openings in the fall, they are now largely attended by a local audience. With the collectors, not only is there a lack of income, but the concentration on local business also leads to a complete breakdown of the exchange at fairs. Whether the time left for written contacts can compensate for this will be seen in the near future. The gallery owners agree, however, that the losses cannot be compensated for by a virtual presence - be it their own homepage or the pages set up by the trade fairs. Although it would be possible to sell works by well-known artists, the newcomers have little chance of attracting attention.
On the other hand, the gallery owners are well aware that the art market will have to change in the coming years. Climate change and Corona will become a task for the art market in the coming months and years - even if the gallery owners have to admit that their artists have so far shown little consideration for the climate.
It is still uncertain whether the galleries can really be helped by government support. At the very least, this is an appreciation of the galleries' work. Although they view the funds earmarked for purchases in the Neustart Kultur program positively, they see a reduction in VAT on sales as a guarantee for the kind of sales boom the industry currently needs.

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tag Kunstmarkt Kunstmessen Mehrwertsteuer Neustart Kultur Ankaufsetat Klimabilanz Art Cologne virtuelles Angebot
Visual Arts/Design Interview

Buchhandel setzt auf Digitalpräsenz . Frankfurter Buchmesse ohne Aussteller
Book trade focuses on digital presence . Frankfurt Book Fair without exhibitors

by Alexander Skipis, Britta Bürger (08 Sep 2020)
Original source: Deutschlandfunk Kultur

At a press conference, the director of the Frankfurt Book Fair, Juergen Boos, announced the cancellation of the presence fair in the exhibition halls in Frankfurt. The decision was made together with all publishers and representatives of the national booths. In the end, the restrictions, especially the travel restrictions, were too great to adhere to the presence event.
The fair is an important pillar for the book industry. Since a digital offering was also planned from the outset, Alexander Skipis, General Manager of the German Publishers & Booksellers Associ ation (Börsenverein des deutschen Buchhandels), assumes that the presence of books will be maintained. As before, there will also be physical events in Frankfurt where authors can be experienced live.
As a further mainstay, a digital rights trading platform will enable publishers to handle the rights business, which has been important at the fair to date. However, personal exchange will not be possible at this point.
Another important pillar of the Book Fair is intellectual exchange and freedom of opinion and the press. These topics will also be dealt with online and in face-to-face events. Such online offerings will certainly not reach as many readers as a presence fair. The intensive encounter will therefore play a major role in 2021.

There will be a series of physical events in Frankfurt. In addition to the award ceremonies - Book Prize and Peace Prize - there will be readings in the festival hall. They will be distributed simultaneously through the media and can be accessed worldwide. Nevertheless, it should not be overlooked that the lack of attention to the book will damage the book market. Sales will probably not really be satisfactory in the autumn of 2020 either.

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tag Buchbranche Buchmesse Frankfurt Lesung Alexander Skipis virtuelles Angebot
Literature/ Text Interview

»Das ist kein Neustart, das ist der Tod auf Raten« . Konzertveranstalter und Corona
»This is not a fresh start, this is living on borrowed time« . concert organizers and Corona

by Benjamin Fischer (17 Aug 2020)
Original source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Stephan Thanscheidt is co-head of FKP Scorpio. The company, with around 350 employees in 11 countries, is not only one of the largest festival organizers in Europe, but last year the company hosted around 3000 concerts by more or less well-known musicians - including superstars such as Ed Sheeran and David Guetta. Thanscheidt is primarily responsible for the organization of the festivals. In the summer, he usually spends more time at festivals than at his desk. This is important in order to keep a feel for the wishes and expectations of the visitors.
In March and April, FKP Scorpio continued to plan the summer events. Although there was already a bad feeling during the lockdown, but without a long-term cancellation by the authorities, the company had no choice but to postpone the festivals for the time being in order not to lose insurance coverage. This was an enormous effort, as events and the corresponding tickets had to be rebooked time and again. The advertising was reissued, only to announce the next postponement.
The industry, which even during the economic crisis of 2009 had hardly any loss of revenue, now faces completely new challenges. Short-time work and home offices have been completely unknown until now. Although there are regular digital meetings, it is difficult to realize joint creative work. Especially for the ten trainees, the situation is more than unsatisfactory, as they are currently only getting to know parts of the planned areas of responsibility.
In the summer, the industry has prepared itself for a standstill until Christmas. If no events are possible next year either, many companies are on the verge of closure. Although the public and politicians have the impression at the moment that the drive-in cinema concerts or other events will bring money back into the coffers, according to Thanscheidt, this is not a matter of income to be taken seriously, but rather of "living on borrowed time". FKP Scorpio has been running a solid business in recent years and can still fall back on reserves. If, however, no festivals with normal capacity can be held next year, FKP Scorpio will also be in trouble.

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tag Konzertveranstalter Festivals Versicherung Planungssicherheit Exit-Strategie Auszubildende
Music Beitrag

Vorhang auf! . Spielstart: Anti-Corona-Konzepte deutscher Theater
Open the Curtain! . Start of Season: Anti-Corona concepts of German Theatres

by Verena Greb, Nadine Wojcik (19 Jul 2020)
Original source: Deutsche Welle

Dismantled seats, Plexiglas panes, hand disinfection, separate entrances and exits: The operation at the theaters is to start again, but this requires hygiene concepts to protect the audience from being infected by droplets. Each theatre is currently developing its own concepts. What they all have in common is that a maximum of a quarter of the previous tickets can be offered.
Special tests were carried out in Augsburg and Berlin. With the help of machines and fans, hydrogen peroxide is nebulized over large areas in the halls. The Berliner Ensemble reports that th e naturally degradable disinfectant can kill 99 percent of viruses and bacteria. In the future, the technology will therefore not only be used for the halls, but also for toilets and entrance areas.
Meanwhile, a theater course has been developed at the Munich Residenztheater. The visitors are guided in groups of four through different stations in the building where the individual scenes are performed. However, it is problematic that not only the audience has to be kept at a distance, but also the actors must not get too close to each other.
Therefore, the schedules for the new season have been revised in all buildings, and extremely physical productions have been cancelled, as have those with many different roles.
Even though the theaters are slowly awakening from their state of shock, fundamental doubts remain about cultural policy: Why do the theaters have different regulations than German aviation? What significance does culture have? The survival of the large theaters is ensured by Corona cultural aid. If this is not sufficient, the federal states will help out in the long term. For the small theaters, which cannot keep buoy up with their limited number of seats, things do not look so rosy. They now have to decide whether to extend the Corona break. The curtain may have fallen here forever.

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tag Spielzeit Theater Hygieneregeln Wasserstoffperoxid Freie Szene Kulturförderung
Performing Arts/ Cinema Bericht

Pro: Kunst ist Kulturverständigung - und deshalb politisch . Pro und Contra Kulturreisen
Pro: Art is cultural understanding - and therefore political . The pros and cons of cultural travel

by Nicolas Freund (05 Jul 2020)
Original source: Süddeutsche Zeitung

Cultural trips are more than luxury? Historically, art has long been reserved only for the ruling classes. If one follows the thesis formulated by the writer John Berger in his essay "Ways of Seeing", the consideration of art is not only a democratic act, but also a place of confrontation with the past precisely because of the detachement of the ruling caste. The change of perspective in the present makes art at the same time an ideal place for the negotiation of social discourses. Therefore, one should not recklessly give up the privilege of participating in a rt events, just because it is a little more difficult to reach exhibition cities at the moment.

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tag Bildende Kunst Kulturtourismus Original Demokratie Austausch
Visual Arts/Design Diskussion

War’s das mit dem Wumms? . Aktionsplan und Stellungnahme des Netzwerk Autorenrechte (NAR) zum Konjunkturpaket „NEUSTART KULTUR“
That's it with the oomph? . Action plan and statement of the Network of Authors' Rights (NAR) on the economic stimulus package "NEW START CULTURE"

by Netzwerk Autorenrechte (05 Jun 2020)
Original source: Netzwerk Autorenrechte

The economic stimulus package passed by the federal government provides hardly any subsidies for the book sector. The Network of Authors' Rights (NAR) is calling for improvements in this respect so that authors and translators are not pushed into social welfare (Hartz IV). Various funding possibilities are outlined and the importance of literature not only as a source of knowledge and education, but also as an economic factor is pointed out.

tag Buchbranche Konjunkturpaket Hartz IV
Literature/ Text Statement

Schauspielerin Stephanie Lexer über Art ist relevant . Wie wichtig ist Kunst?
Actress Stephanie Lexer on the initiative Art is relevant . How essential is art?

by Stephanie Lexer (31 May 2020)
Original source: Nachrichten München

Art and culture are constantly present in our everyday life. Whether it is the music we listen to on the radio, the series we watch in the evening or the book we read. During the Corona crisis many of the actors felt to exist under the radar. Not only were art and culture not considered to be systemically relevant, individuals also felt that their work was not appreciated. The initiative "Art is relevant" sees this as a symptom of our time, which is reinforced by the Corona crisis. The appreciation for art and culture is declining more and more in the present. This must change! At the same time, however, the industry must also become aware that it has a decisive influence on the way society thinks and acts and thus also has the responsibility to think about what our world should look like.
The actress Stephanie Lexer is co-initiator of the initiative "Art is relevant", which, however, does not want to see itself as a pure Corona initiative, but will also be committed to the interests of art and culture beyond that. One example is the critical questioning of online offerings. Often the impression arises that the work of artists of all disciplines can be regarded as a hobby that can easily be made available online. However, this is also a profession with which one has to earn a living.

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tag Systemrelevanz Wertschätzung Onlineangebote Filmproduktion Stephanie Lexer Kulturförderung
All sections Video-Interview

Corona und Kultur in Berlin . Im ganz falschen Film
Corona and Culture in Berlin . In the completely wrong motion picture

by Bert Schulz (23 May 2020)
Original source: taz

What better place to enjoy culture right now than in the open air? The virus does not like summer weather, so the risk of infection outdoors is low. While cosmetic studios and shopping malls are reopening, not even the ten open-air cinemas in Berlin have a perspective on when they will be allowed to play again. The cinema operators are prepared for this: In the Friedrichshain open-air cinema, for example, not only have benches been dismantled to create space, but the operators have also set up a space-saving online booking system. This would mean that the operator would voluntarily give up around three quarters of its seats in order to protect its visitors. Only a super summer would enable him to work economically. The idea of how to play in closed houses under such conditions is sobering. It is all the more surprising that the Berlin Senate does not give the green light for open-air cinemas, thus not only helping the operators to generate income, but also giving back a small slice of culture to Berliners.

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tag Film Freiluftkino Open Air
Performing Arts/ Cinema Kommentar

»Das ist eine neue Kunstgattung«
»That's a new genre«

by Christian Riethmüller (22 May 2020)
Original source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

On Friday, May 22nd, a new format of live entertainment did celebrate its premiere in Frankfurt: With the Stage-Drive-Kulturbühne, the cultural stage at the Jahrhunderthalle has developed a format based on the drive-in cinema, which again makes a cultural program with comedy and cabaret, music, literature and film possible. The stage is supported by two LED screens, each 50 square meters in size, which make the events visible to the visitors. They sit in the parking lot, distributed over 300 vehicles, sorted according to size. The sound is transmitted to the car rad ios via a dedicated FM frequency. Tickets are sold per car. Outside of the vehicles the usual hygiene rules apply. Whether the format works, for example if a cabaret artist cannot hear the laughter of his audience, can be seen here from Friday on. Moritz Jaeschke, Managing Director of the Jahrhunderthalle, developed the new stage format in close cooperation with the Frankfurt/Rhine-Main Business Initiative, which also provides financial support for the project. The business initiative is convinced that culture should not be neglected as an important location factor in the region. The stage could also be used for other purposes such as company presentations. First of all, however, a multifaceted cultural program is planned, which can be accessed via the Jahrhunderthalle's homepage.

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tag Stage-Drive-Kulturbühne Frankfurt Wirtschaftsfaktor
Performing Arts/ Cinema Bericht



The signet of facing arts joining the faces of STORM.

Facing arts is a non-profi project. Feel free to support it and get in touch with us!

The Team

Facing arts is a projet by STORM.

STORM is an acronym playing with the initials by Miriam Seidler & Tim Otto Roth, who are hit both by the Corona crisis. Dr. Miriam Seidler is a scholar in German literature and currently works as specialist in public relations. Dr. Tim Otto Roth is a scholar in art and science history and works as a conceptual artist and composer. He is known for his huge projects in public space, cooperations with leading scientific institutions and his immersive sound and light installations. Miriam and Tim collaborate regularly for years. With facing arts they reaslize their first common art project.
You find more informatin on both initiators on www.miriamseidler.de and www.imachination.net.

Special thanks to Paco Croket for the tag cloud programming!

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