Quo vadis ars?

The situation in the cultural sector has been described and discussed in numerous interviews, corona diaries, comments and reports in the past few weeks. Our annotated collection of currently 193 sources gathers voices from different sectors and media. This creates a picture of the cultural landscape in crisis, whose temporal transformation can be explored interactively via a dedicated tag cloud.


»Kurz einknicken und dann wieder aufbäumen«
»Buckle briefly and then rebel again«

by Karin Beier, Hans-Jürgen Mende (29 Sep 2020)
Original source: NDR Kultur

The month of November presents a great challenge to the psyche of the hamburger. If the November blues is also associated with a lockdown, it will be difficult to maintain optimism. Karin Beier, artistic director of the Schauspielhaus in Hamburg, reports in an interview with NDR (North German Broadcasting) that at the moment she has to take care of the inner life of her employees. Next week there was a premiere, the team members were highly motivated to work on performances and hygiene concepts over the summer - with the decision of the federal and state governments to c lose all cultural institutions in November, the disappointment is great and the air is out.
When asked about the possibility of streaming premieres and other performances, the director reacts hesitantly. The theater lives from its live character. She herself is extremely reluctant to watch recordings. One possibility that is currently being discussed at the house is live broadcasting of the performances. However, Beier doubts that the Internet connection will allow this.
The consequences of the lockdown for the cultural scene are currently not yet foreseeable. Since she runs a state-subsidized house, Beier knows that she is whining on a high level. Unlike many restaurateurs or private theaters whose existence is threatened, her house is not facing insolvency. However, she can only support the independent scene in an idealistic way. Due to the consequences of the pandemic for the public purse, she assumes that the theaters will change in the coming years.

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tag Theater Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg November-Lockdown psychische Belastung Novemberblues
Performing Arts/ Cinema Interview

»Es muss etwas passieren. Sonst gehen alle pleite« . Live-Konzerte
»Something has to happen. Otherwise everyone goes bankrupt« . Live-concerts

by Daniel Gerhardt (21 Sep 2020)
Original source: Die Zeit

While alternative concepts have been developed for other event formats in recent months, the organizers of pop shows are hoping for 2021. The event calendar is already overflowing - but as long as it is not clear whether major events will be feasible again, the organizers are hardly selling any tickets. One problem that the organizers of pop events have had to contend with in recent months has been the ignorance of politicians. Not only the high turnover of the industry, but also its everyday life was completely unfamiliar to many politicians. The fact that support is ne eded here to protect companies from insolvency during the ban on employment has only slowly reached the decision-makers. The support program Neustart Kultur now provides support for music clubs and concert venues, as well as for other members of the event industry, but it seems that the great club and organizer death can hardly be stopped. The consequence? A few large companies will survive the crisis and then events will be streamlined according to a concept. The fun, members of the industry fear, will fall by the wayside, unusual formats will no longer have a chance.

Meanwhile, the industry alliance #AlarmstufeRot draws attention to the situation of the organizers and formulates demands. At a demonstration on September 9th, attention was drawn to the situation of the industry. Many people symbolically put off their shirts in front of the Reichstag - yet here, too, the organizers were polarized: "Every action with which it seeks help could at the same time contribute to prolonging the pandemic."

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tag Popkonzerte Konzertveranstalter Streaming #AlarmstufeRot Neustart Kultur
Music Bericht

Coronaregeln in Theatern . Gute Chancen für weitere Lockerungen
Corona regulations in theatres . good chances for further easing

by Ulrich Khuon, Vladimir Balzer (07 Sep 2020)
Original source: Deutschlandfunk Kultur

The theaters, operas and concert halls are the safest public spaces. Ulrich Khuon, director of the Deutsches Theater in Berlin and president of the German Stage Association (Deutscher Bühnenverein), is convinced that infections in theaters are largely ruled out. The ventilation systems in most theaters are excellent, and strict attention is paid to the observance of hygiene rules by the audience and staff. Even in the event of an infection, the tracking of people is no problem, unlike in the bus and train. And so Ulrich Khuon pleads - also in view of the successful Salzburg Festival - for further relaxation in the event area, which should be as uniform as possible for all federal states: one meter distance is justifiable based on current experience. The confidence of the visitors has also grown in recent weeks to such an extent that the innovations have been accepted.
Khuon sees a danger in the tendency of many houses to start the season with short plays. Quickly edible formats that do not cause any problems should not dominate the program. One could also reconsider breaks at the moment.
Khuon critically refers to a current statement by Bavarian Prime Minister Söder, who has drafted a clear hierarchy of easing: First comes economic life, then schools and daycare centers. If things run smoothly and without contagion here again, one could also take care of sports and culture. The fact that even after half a year, one of the most important figures in crisis management has still not come to the conclusion that culture is an important economic factor in Germany outrages the chairman of the German Stage Association.

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tag Theater Abstandsregeln Schachbrettmuster Salzburger Festspiele Deutscher Bühnenverein
All sections Interview

»Das ist kein Neustart, das ist der Tod auf Raten« . Konzertveranstalter und Corona
»This is not a fresh start, this is living on borrowed time« . concert organizers and Corona

by Benjamin Fischer (17 Aug 2020)
Original source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Stephan Thanscheidt is co-head of FKP Scorpio. The company, with around 350 employees in 11 countries, is not only one of the largest festival organizers in Europe, but last year the company hosted around 3000 concerts by more or less well-known musicians - including superstars such as Ed Sheeran and David Guetta. Thanscheidt is primarily responsible for the organization of the festivals. In the summer, he usually spends more time at festivals than at his desk. This is important in order to keep a feel for the wishes and expectations of the visitors.
In March and April, FKP Scorpio continued to plan the summer events. Although there was already a bad feeling during the lockdown, but without a long-term cancellation by the authorities, the company had no choice but to postpone the festivals for the time being in order not to lose insurance coverage. This was an enormous effort, as events and the corresponding tickets had to be rebooked time and again. The advertising was reissued, only to announce the next postponement.
The industry, which even during the economic crisis of 2009 had hardly any loss of revenue, now faces completely new challenges. Short-time work and home offices have been completely unknown until now. Although there are regular digital meetings, it is difficult to realize joint creative work. Especially for the ten trainees, the situation is more than unsatisfactory, as they are currently only getting to know parts of the planned areas of responsibility.
In the summer, the industry has prepared itself for a standstill until Christmas. If no events are possible next year either, many companies are on the verge of closure. Although the public and politicians have the impression at the moment that the drive-in cinema concerts or other events will bring money back into the coffers, according to Thanscheidt, this is not a matter of income to be taken seriously, but rather of "living on borrowed time". FKP Scorpio has been running a solid business in recent years and can still fall back on reserves. If, however, no festivals with normal capacity can be held next year, FKP Scorpio will also be in trouble.

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tag Konzertveranstalter Festivals Versicherung Planungssicherheit Exit-Strategie Auszubildende
Music Beitrag

»Auch Kunst ist systemrelevant« . Kultur in der Corona-Krise
»Art is also a systemically relevant« . Culture during Corona crisis

by Katharina von Tschurtschenthaler (13 Aug 2020)
Original source: tagesschau

Since 6 weeks the Hamburg Tivoli-Theater at the Reeperbahn is playing again. However, a lot of things are different than in pre-Corona times. Every house has to present its own hygiene concept and needs to have it approved. At the Tivoli, currently only 250 instead of 630 tickets per performance can be sold. But in contrast to the successful Hamburg musicals, which are still unable to perform, at least the operation is secured here. Support from Hamburg's cultural authority makes it possible for the Tivoli to make ends meet despite the lack of income. Nevertheless, t heatre boss Corny Littmann is disappointed that the importance of culture in Corona times has not really been discussed. The focus was on Lufthansa and daycare centres.
The team is happy to be able to perform again. Singers are doing admission controls or take over the moderation of the evening. After four months without engagement every job is accepted. But what is still missing is interaction with the audience. They are happy that they can attend cultural events again.

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tag Tivoli-Theater Hygieneregeln Bilanz Kulturförderung Hamburg Musical
Performing Arts/ Cinema Bericht

Durchs Raster gefallen . Kulturschaffende in Coronakrise
Fallen through the cracks . the arts community during Corona crisis

by Sabine Seifert (29 Jul 2020)
Original source: taz

Three months after an initial conversation about her personal situation as an artist during the lockdown, Sabine Seifert meets again with a singer, a visual artist, an actor and a museum educator to talk with them about their experiences during the Corona crisis. The working conditions for the artists are still all but optimal, as the hygiene rules for all cultural fields of work entail restrictions. Many people appreciate the social network that is provided in Germany. Emergency aid and basic security have helped them to survive the last few months financ ially. However, applications for basic security have only increased by about a quarter. Due to the bad aura of basic security called Hartz IV, many people were reluctant to apply.
Even the applications for solo self-employed persons do not take into account the living and working conditions of artists even after three months. Seifert critically observes that in many federal states the cost of living may not be regarded as operating costs, but also the fact that in the second round applications may only be made by tax or accountants is completely ignoring the reality of small and medium-sized enterprises. Although the profession of an artist is fundamentally associated with uncertainty, the general conditions have currently changed radically. No one can predict with certainty how the pandemic will develop. When again which event format will be possible.
Olaf Zimmermann, Managing Director of the German Cultural Council, points out that the working structures on the cultural market have changed in recent years. Although there are fewer artists, there are more solo self-employed people in the field of cultural education, management and technology. Cultural policy has failed to counteract the precarious structures that have emerged here. Basically, according to Olaf Zimmermann, one should think about whether the classic concept of the entrepreneur still applies to artists and cultural workers - especially since they make an important contribution to society.

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tag Soforthilfe Grundsicherung Solidarität Verdi bbk Elisabeth Anschütz Sascha Oliver Bauer Ka Bomhardt Wilko Reinhold Olaf Zimmermann
All sections Bericht

»Was in Berlin passiert, ist ziemlich einmalig« . Corona-Hilfe für Klubkultur
»What's happening in Berlin is quite unique« . Corona aid for club culture

by Laura Aha (20 Jul 2020)
Original source: Spiegel

Clubs were the first cultural institutions to close, and they will most likely be the last to be allowed to reopen. In Berlin alone, 140 clubs and as many club event agencies employ around 9000 people. In Berlin, Senator for Culture Klaus Lederer has launched a 30 million euro aid package for clubs. Cologne and Hamburg have also granted support to the scene at a very early stage. The situation is different in cities that have not yet promoted pop culture. Here, clubs are falling through the ranks of the various support models and are fighting for recognition as cultural institutions. Currently, the open-air season is making it possible to compensate somewhat for the slump in sales. But the scene needs a long-term strategy to avoid falling victim to the crisis.

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tag Clubszene Berlin Soforthilfe Konjunkturpaket Klaus Lederer
Music Bericht

Vorhang auf! . Spielstart: Anti-Corona-Konzepte deutscher Theater
Open the Curtain! . Start of Season: Anti-Corona concepts of German Theatres

by Verena Greb, Nadine Wojcik (19 Jul 2020)
Original source: Deutsche Welle

Dismantled seats, Plexiglas panes, hand disinfection, separate entrances and exits: The operation at the theaters is to start again, but this requires hygiene concepts to protect the audience from being infected by droplets. Each theatre is currently developing its own concepts. What they all have in common is that a maximum of a quarter of the previous tickets can be offered.
Special tests were carried out in Augsburg and Berlin. With the help of machines and fans, hydrogen peroxide is nebulized over large areas in the halls. The Berliner Ensemble reports that th e naturally degradable disinfectant can kill 99 percent of viruses and bacteria. In the future, the technology will therefore not only be used for the halls, but also for toilets and entrance areas.
Meanwhile, a theater course has been developed at the Munich Residenztheater. The visitors are guided in groups of four through different stations in the building where the individual scenes are performed. However, it is problematic that not only the audience has to be kept at a distance, but also the actors must not get too close to each other.
Therefore, the schedules for the new season have been revised in all buildings, and extremely physical productions have been cancelled, as have those with many different roles.
Even though the theaters are slowly awakening from their state of shock, fundamental doubts remain about cultural policy: Why do the theaters have different regulations than German aviation? What significance does culture have? The survival of the large theaters is ensured by Corona cultural aid. If this is not sufficient, the federal states will help out in the long term. For the small theaters, which cannot keep buoy up with their limited number of seats, things do not look so rosy. They now have to decide whether to extend the Corona break. The curtain may have fallen here forever.

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tag Spielzeit Theater Hygieneregeln Wasserstoffperoxid Freie Szene Kulturförderung
Performing Arts/ Cinema Bericht

Nach dem Stillstand die Besinnung?
After the standstill, the recollection?

by Till Briegleb (07 Jul 2020)
Original source: Süddeutsche Zeitung

The corona-related closures mean millions in lost revenue for the major German museums in Dresden, Berlin, Hamburg, Munich or Cologne. Even the rapid reopening of the museums can do little to change this. If in one week there are as many visitors as before the lockdown on one day, the museums are already happy. People are still afraid of exhibition spaces with great appeal. Above all, the number of city travellers is still very low. However, the museum management does not appear to be alarmed so far. This is partly due to the fact that they currently have the feeling tha t they are supported by the state. In contrast to the wave of layoffs in America, at least the permanent employees can rely on government support. However, financing is not a very popular discussion topic at the moment. Instead, the realignment of the houses is being discussed. Many will make a virtue out of necessity and concentrate again more on content than on big names.

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tag Museen Finanzen Marion Ackermann Hartz IV Neuausrichtung Sammlung
Visual Arts/Design Bericht

Ein bisschen Event geht immer . Klassik & Corona
A little bit of event always works . Classical music & Corona

by Manuel Brug (20 Jun 2020)
Original source: Welt

The friends of classical music would currently be preparing for an exciting festival summer if Corona did not prevent pretty much everything that inspires the classical world. In his article, Manuel Brug gives an overview of the plans for the summer and the start of the season. While the start of the season has already been postponed to January at the major opera houses in the USA, the Paris Opera is struggling with a 40 million deficit. In Germany, the new season is being celebrated with smaller productions, only the Bavarian State Opera does not want to miss a per formance with Marina Abramovic.

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tag Klassische Musik Oper Konzerthäuser Spielplan Festivals USA Paris Streaming Marina Abramovic
Music Bericht



The signet of facing arts joining the faces of STORM.

Facing arts is a non-profi project. Feel free to support it and get in touch with us!

The Team

Facing arts is a projet by STORM.

STORM is an acronym playing with the initials by Miriam Seidler & Tim Otto Roth, who are hit both by the Corona crisis. Dr. Miriam Seidler is a scholar in German literature and currently works as specialist in public relations. Dr. Tim Otto Roth is a scholar in art and science history and works as a conceptual artist and composer. He is known for his huge projects in public space, cooperations with leading scientific institutions and his immersive sound and light installations. Miriam and Tim collaborate regularly for years. With facing arts they reaslize their first common art project.
You find more informatin on both initiators on www.miriamseidler.de and www.imachination.net.

Special thanks to Paco Croket for the tag cloud programming!

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