Quo vadis ars?

The situation in the cultural sector has been described and discussed in numerous interviews, corona diaries, comments and reports in the past few weeks. Our annotated collection of currently 193 sources gathers voices from different sectors and media. This creates a picture of the cultural landscape in crisis, whose temporal transformation can be explored interactively via a dedicated tag cloud.


Pro: Kunst ist Kulturverständigung - und deshalb politisch . Pro und Contra Kulturreisen
Pro: Art is cultural understanding - and therefore political . The pros and cons of cultural travel

by Nicolas Freund (05 Jul 2020)
Original source: Süddeutsche Zeitung

Cultural trips are more than luxury? Historically, art has long been reserved only for the ruling classes. If one follows the thesis formulated by the writer John Berger in his essay "Ways of Seeing", the consideration of art is not only a democratic act, but also a place of confrontation with the past precisely because of the detachement of the ruling caste. The change of perspective in the present makes art at the same time an ideal place for the negotiation of social discourses. Therefore, one should not recklessly give up the privilege of participating in a rt events, just because it is a little more difficult to reach exhibition cities at the moment.

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tag Bildende Kunst Kulturtourismus Original Demokratie Austausch
Visual Arts/Design Diskussion

Entwarnung klingt anders . Chorsingen und Corona: Studie macht Aerosole sichtbar
It doesn't sound like the all-clear . Choral singing and corona: Study makes aerosols visible

by Tobias Stosiek (03 Jul 2020)
Original source: BR Klassik

At the beginning of the Corona pandemic there were some cases of mass infection in choirs and so it is reasonable to assume that the risk of infection is particularly high when singing. In a study conducted by the LMU Munich and the Friedrich-Alexander-University in Erlangen, the voice physician Matthias Echternach and the fluid mechanic Stefan Kniesburges conducted a series of experiments to make the spread of aerosols visible. Singers of the Bavarian Radio Choir were available as test persons. They had the hope that the study would send a positive signal for an early resumption of concert activities.

The all-clear hoped for by the study did not come true, the hygiene rules that have been in force up to now are quite sensible, since aerosols do not only spread forward but also sideways. The degree of propagation depends on the existing ventilation system. A whole series of questions still remain unanswered: Does deep breathing while singing contribute to an increased probability of infection? How large is the amount of aerosol that is formed when singing and what is the corresponding concentration of aerosols in the air? Questions that still need to be answered in order to further trace the dangers of choral singing.

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tag Chorsingen Aerosole Spucketröpfchen Hygieneregeln BR-Chor Matthias Echternach Stefan Kniesburges
Music Bericht

Ein bisschen Event geht immer . Klassik & Corona
A little bit of event always works . Classical music & Corona

by Manuel Brug (20 Jun 2020)
Original source: Welt

The friends of classical music would currently be preparing for an exciting festival summer if Corona did not prevent pretty much everything that inspires the classical world. In his article, Manuel Brug gives an overview of the plans for the summer and the start of the season. While the start of the season has already been postponed to January at the major opera houses in the USA, the Paris Opera is struggling with a 40 million deficit. In Germany, the new season is being celebrated with smaller productions, only the Bavarian State Opera does not want to miss a per formance with Marina Abramovic.

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tag Klassische Musik Oper Konzerthäuser Spielplan Festivals USA Paris Streaming Marina Abramovic
Music Bericht

»Literatur ist ein Lebensmittel!« . Erste Lesungen nach der Corona-Krise
»Literature is a nutrient!« . First readings after the Corona crisis

by Börsenblatt Online (19 Jun 2020)
Original source: Börsenblatt

The first readings after the lockdown have found an enthusiastic audience, but the booksellers still want to wait until autumn before organising new readings, because from an economic point of view the events are a risk. Despite good sales figures at the book table and sold-out readings, large rooms have to be rented and the supervision of the event is personnel-intensive due to the hygiene concept.

tag Literatur Lesung Hygieneregeln
Literature/ Text Bericht

Künstler schweigen für faire Bezahlung
Artists fall silent for fair payment

by Lukas Möschl (17 Jun 2020)
Original source: ORF

On Wednesday evening, Salzburg artists stood in silence on the Residenzplatz. With their demonstration they wanted to point out the situation of the cultural sector in the Corona crisis.  In contrast to Germany and France, the artists in Austria feel abandoned by the black-green federal government, because it is currently hardly possible for freelancers to receive unemployment benefits or a minimum income.

tag Honorar Kulturförderung Solo-Selbständige
All sections Bericht

Eight ways museums could make most of the coronavirus crisis . Failure to seize this opportunity to make changes would be a graver error than any breach of etiquette

by Adrian Ellis (11 Jun 2020)
Original source: The Art Newspaper

This article by Adrian Ellis draws from conversations in early May 2020 with museum directors in New York, Salem, Buffalo and Kansas City. They all agree to use the crisis to redefine the tasks of a museum by the following opportunities:
- Revaluating a new metrics of success
- Reviewing the strategies for exhibitions and education programmes
- Local social binding as «community anchors» by engaging the neighbourhood and deepening local partnerships
- Nurturing the virtual community
- Recalibrating the (conservative) organisati onal culture establishing mission and values
- Harnessing art to reimagine society
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tag Museum Neuausrichtung Museumspädagogik Strategie Digitalisierung
Visual Arts/Design Bericht

»Erwerbstätige dritter Klasse« . Soloselbstständige fühlen sich von Koalition im Stich gelassen
»Third-class employees« . The freelancers feel abandoned by the coalition

by Anja Müller, Frank Specht (07 Jun 2020)
Original source: Handelsblatt

Many solo self-employed people in the cultural and creative industries had high hopes for the new economic stimulus package of the German government. These remained largely unfulfilled. As before, the cost of living and thus an entrepreneur's salary cannot be claimed. For many self-employed persons, the only option left is to apply for the basic social care 'Hartz IV'. Last Friday, the Federal Council passed a resolution to support self-employed artists and media workers. It demands that at least they be granted a flat monthly subsidy to compensate for the lo ss of income.

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tag Konjunkturpaket Hartz IV Bundesrat Solo-Selbständige
All sections Bericht

Was wir im Lockdown über das Digitale gelernt haben

by Anika Meier (02 Jun 2020)
Original source: Monopol

The corona crisis has accelerated the shift to the digital world. Art exhibitions were also presented online in times of lockdown. If there is no other choice, even these institutions who have tended to avoid online media are now turning to social media to communicate and exchange ideas. In her column, Anika Meier examines what we have learned with regard to the digital world during the crisis, presenting various activities of the recent months, from livestreams via Instagram to online viewing rooms and augmented reality. In doing so, she urges art critics to think about new standards for evaluating art on the Net. Naive euphoria or unreflected criticism of the fact that virtual exhibitions cannot replace real museum visits do not do justice to either the artistic-curatorial claim or the medium.

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tag Online Viewing Room Streaming Augmented Reality Hans Ulrich Obrist Iwan Wirth Koo Jeong A Krise als Chance
Visual Arts/Design Kolumne

Kein »Zurück auf Los« für die Kultur
No »Go back to square one« for culture

by Gero Schließ (30 May 2020)
Original source: Deutsche Welle

Beside aviation, tourism and gastronomy, the pandemic has hit culture hardest. The cultural and creative industries are still waiting for the saving stimulus package that will compensate for the consequences and maintain the infrastructure. What is already foreseeable: the damage in the cultural sector is gigantic and it will have long-term effects. Part of the problem is the large number of employees who live on the edge of the subsistence level and have no reserves. This raises the fundamental cultural-political question of how to improve the situation after the crisis .

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tag Konjunkturpaket Mini-Jobs prekäre Lebenslage kulturelle Infrastruktur
All sections Kommentar

Kritische Verteidigerin der hiesigen Demokratie . Neues Buch von Juli Zeh
Critical advocate of democracy . New book by Juli Zeh

by Andrea Gerk, Arno Orzessek (25 May 2020)
Original source: Deutschlandfunk Kultur

Juli Zeh's novel "Corpus Delicti" has already been published in 2009. So it is not a Corona novel, even though it fits perfectly into our time. In her dystopia, Zeh deals with the topic of health dictatorship by describing the seductive power of a health policy that promises everyone a long and healthy life. The bible of the system is entitled "Health as a principle of state legitimation" and establishes the METHOD, which in the novel legitimizes the primacy of the health of the individual and society in a purely logical way. In order to keep the promise of health, all possible data is collected from citizens. Zeh's criticism of people's self-subjugation in terms of health, fitness and performance optimization is unmistakable.
Since the novel is school reading, the author has now published a volume of interviews in which she answers the questions that students were asking her. The book is a self-portrait of the citizen Juli Zeh and allows for critical reflection on the Corona crisis. Zeh's statement - »It is really not easy to recognize the unreasonable in reason.« - can certainly be transferred to the present.
The critic Arno Orzessek appears to be very taken with Zeh's book, as he shares her »criticism of comprehensive preventive thinking, of reward systems for correct, i.e. conformist, systems of living«, as they can currently be observed in China. »Once you believe that life and politics are primarily about defending against any form of threat, then all other values fade away and I fear she is right about that.«
With regard to the Corona pandemic, Orzessek considers the book to be quite remarkable. He himself is very irritated by the at times »extreme authority of the virologists« in recent weeks and months. To reduce reality merely to the current case and death figures reported by the Robert Koch Institute neglects many important aspects of our everyday lives. The author and constitutional judge Juli Zeh, together with other philosophers and politicians, also pleaded in late April in »Der Spiegel« for the preservation of proportionality and made constructive suggestions as to how the rights of the individual could be preserved in the present.

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tag Corona-Roman Dystopie Gesundheitsdiktatur Grundrechte Corpus Delicti Juli Zeh Konformismus
Literature/ Text Rezension



The signet of facing arts joining the faces of STORM.

Facing arts is a non-profi project. Feel free to support it and get in touch with us!

The Team

Facing arts is a projet by STORM.

STORM is an acronym playing with the initials by Miriam Seidler & Tim Otto Roth, who are hit both by the Corona crisis. Dr. Miriam Seidler is a scholar in German literature and currently works as specialist in public relations. Dr. Tim Otto Roth is a scholar in art and science history and works as a conceptual artist and composer. He is known for his huge projects in public space, cooperations with leading scientific institutions and his immersive sound and light installations. Miriam and Tim collaborate regularly for years. With facing arts they reaslize their first common art project.
You find more informatin on both initiators on www.miriamseidler.de and www.imachination.net.

Special thanks to Paco Croket for the tag cloud programming!

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