Quo vadis ars?

The situation in the cultural sector has been described and discussed in numerous interviews, corona diaries, comments and reports in the past few weeks. Our annotated collection of currently 193 sources gathers voices from different sectors and media. This creates a picture of the cultural landscape in crisis, whose temporal transformation can be explored interactively via a dedicated tag cloud.


Zeitenwende in der Klassik . Konzertveranstalter in der Coronakrise
The turn of an era in classical music . Concert management in Corona times

by Karsten Witt, Eckhard Roelcke (08 May 2020)
Original source: Deutschlandfunk Kultur

The classical music scene is facing a structural change as a result of the Corona crisis. Eckhard Roelcke talks with music manager Karsten Witt about the scenarios and what opportunities the crisis might bring. He is concerned that not only the event management for concerts will change radically after the crisis. He also predicts that all artists, ensembles and orchestras that are not subsidized will hardly be able to hold their own on the market in the future.

tag Klassische Musik Ensembles Konzerthäuser Veranstalter Konzertagenturen
Music Interview

Es gibt sie, wie bald Martin Meyers Erzählung »Corona«, es gibt sie nicht . Der Hype um die Corona-Literatur
It exists, as soon Martin Meyer's novel . The Hype around Corona Literature

by Gerrit Bartels (06 May 2020)
Original source: Tagesspiegel

Do you want to read a Corona novel now? This is the question posed by literary critic Gerrit Bartels in the taz. For two months, one could hardly escape the subject of Corona, and he can hardly imagine enjoying it now in literary adaptation. Especially since the plot of Martin Meyer's story "Corona" promises little that is new. After all, the old bookseller Matteo helps himself in quarantine by reading epidemic literature, as thrashed out by the feuilletons in recent weeks.
The publication of the story prompts Bartels to ask some publishers whether a Corona novel is already planned for the fall, or whether an author has announced that he or she will work on one. Klett-Cotta, Luchterhand, and Kiepenheuer & Witsch have no plans for corona novels. Either they had no corresponding manuscripts on the table or they were afraid they would be outdated by the time they were published. Only the author Joachim Lottmann is writing a current novel on the subject, according to information from KiWi, but it will not be published this year.
Doesn't it take some time to reflect on the topic? With a view to 9/11, he notes that the really good novels on the subject needed a distance of several years. But it doesn't necessarily have to be the case that Corona has to be at the center of a novel. It can also change a narrative being out of focus - as well as the quality criteria of the readers. 

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tag Corona-Roman Seuchenliteratur Qualitätskriterien Martin Meyer Joachim Lottmann 9/11
Literature/ Text Interview

Kultur in der Corona-Krise . Erwacht endlich aus der Schockstarre!
Culture during Corona Crisis . Finally wake up from freeze mode!

by Marco Frei, Christian Wildhagen (01 May 2020)
Original source: Neue Züricher Zeitung


tag Klassische Musik Konzerthäuser Gleichbehandlung Bundesliga Großveranstaltungen Onlineangebote Hygieneregeln
Music Beitrag

Wie verändert Corona die Kunstwelt?
How does Corona Changes the Art World?

by Sara Steinert (30 Apr 2020)
Original source: Kunst und Leben. Der Monopol-Podcast

tag Soforthilfe Netzkunst Galerien Daniel Birnbaum Elke Buhr Alexander Kluge Zoë Claire Miller
Visual Arts/Design Podcast

Die Aussichten: grau bis düster . Künstler und die Corona-Krise
The prospects: grey to gloomy . Artists and the Corona crisis

by Eva-Maria Magel (22 Apr 2020)
Original source: Frankurter Allgemeine Zeitung

The Hessian Minister of Economics Tarek Al-Wazir has written to the German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Peter Altmeier. He is not only concerned that many artists are currently falling through the ranks of emergency aid, but also that there are no uniform regulations for the industry in the individual federal states. This is all the more dramatic because it is precisely the cultural and creative industries that will be affected the longest by the effects of the crisis. A solution to the problem hasn't appeared at the horizon so far. Municipal aid funds and p rivate fundraising campaigns are a current attempt to prevent the worst from happening.

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tag Hessen Soforthilfe Hartz IV Großveranstaltungen Tarek Al-Wazir Peter Altmaier
All sections Bericht

Bühnenverein kritisiert Schweigen der Politik . Ulrich Khuon zur Lage der Theater
Bühnenverein criticizes the silence of politics . Ulrich Khuon on the situation of the theatres

by Vladimir Balzer, Ulrich Khuon (19 Apr 2020)
Original source: Deutschlandfunk Kultur

In view of the first easing that German politics announces in the corona crisis, the director of the German Theater Ulrich Khuon finds it extremely worrying that artists do not seem to be involved in the thinking and speaking of politics. He accuses politicians of a breach of trust, which also shows that the importance of culture as an important political sphere of action is not recognized.

tag Theater Spielzeit
Performing Arts/ Cinema Interview

Kunst gehört zur Grundversorgung
Art belongs to the basic amenities

by Marcus Woeller (19 Apr 2020)
Original source: Welt

The cultural and creative industries have been hit hard by the lockdown. With the discussion of the first easing of the lockdown, galleries and exhibition houses will probably be able to open again. This is important not only for the exhibition houses that lack the entrance fees for the programme work, but also for the art market. Collectors would like to see works in the original and not in the digital showroom. Galleries open to visitors is the precondition for the art market to recover. Until then, we hope that the smaller galleries will be able to persevere, as they make an important contribution to the basic supply of art. 

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tag Museen Galerien Kunstmarkt Einnahmeausfälle freie Mitarbeiter
Visual Arts/Design Bericht

Dann muss der alte Hamlet wieder ran . Theater in der Corona-Krise
Recycling old Hamlet . Theatre in Corona crisis

by Tobi Müller (08 Apr 2020)
Original source: Zeit

The theaters in the German-speaking countries are hard hit by the corona-related closure. Depending on their legal status, bankruptcy is lurking as threat. In any case, the repertoire will have to be increasingly recycled in the coming seasons to save costs. The artistic work will be in economy mode.

tag Theater Repertoire Rücklagen Kurzarbeit Bernd Sibler
Performing Arts/ Cinema Bericht

»Literatur braucht Gedrängel« . Buchmarkt in der Corona-Krise
»Literature needs the crowd« . Corona crisis and the Book Market

by Tom Kraushaar, Richard Kämmerlings (27 Mar 2020)
Original source: Welt

tag Verlage Homeoffice Buchbranche Buchmesse Buchhandlungen Nähe Klett-Cotta-Verlag Bettina Hitzer Antonio Scurati
Literature/ Text Interview

Musik gegen die Stille
Music against silence

by Jens Lehmann (13 Mar 2020)
Original source: rbb24

All concerts are cancelled, but the orchestras want to play and consequently relocate their concerts to the net. The helplessness of the organisers can be seen on these online presentations, however, and Simon Rattle sums it up at the concert of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra: At a time when people have to keep their distance, you want to give comfort with music. Nevertheless, the excellent range of concerts on offer should not hide the fact that musicians and ensembles find themselves in a situation that threatens their very existence.

tag Neue Musik Geisterkonzert Simon Rattle Berliner Philharmoniker
Music Kommentar



The signet of facing arts joining the faces of STORM.

Facing arts is a non-profi project. Feel free to support it and get in touch with us!

The Team

Facing arts is a projet by STORM.

STORM is an acronym playing with the initials by Miriam Seidler & Tim Otto Roth, who are hit both by the Corona crisis. Dr. Miriam Seidler is a scholar in German literature and currently works as specialist in public relations. Dr. Tim Otto Roth is a scholar in art and science history and works as a conceptual artist and composer. He is known for his huge projects in public space, cooperations with leading scientific institutions and his immersive sound and light installations. Miriam and Tim collaborate regularly for years. With facing arts they reaslize their first common art project.
You find more informatin on both initiators on www.miriamseidler.de and www.imachination.net.

Special thanks to Paco Croket for the tag cloud programming!

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