Quo vadis ars?

The situation in the cultural sector has been described and discussed in numerous interviews, corona diaries, comments and reports in the past few weeks. Our annotated collection of currently 193 sources gathers voices from different sectors and media. This creates a picture of the cultural landscape in crisis, whose temporal transformation can be explored interactively via a dedicated tag cloud.


Es sieht düster aus, bilanziert die Schweizer Museumsbranche . Corona-Folgen für Museen
It looks rather gloomy, concludes the Swiss museum industry . Consequences of Corona for museums

by brik/kusv (10 Aug 2020)
Original source: Radio SRF 2 Kultur

"It's terrible what you just see and hear informally," says Tobia Bezzola, President of the Swiss Association of Museum Professionals ICOM, commenting on the situation of museums in Switzerland. There has been a 50 to 80 percent drop in visitor frequency. Site location, type of funding and the proportion of inter-regional visitors are currently determining the extent of the losses. Using the example of the Museum of Science Kulturama in Zurich, the Museo d'arte della Svizzera Italiana MASI and the Museum of Natural History St. Gallen, the article illust rates the concerns of museum directors in Switzerland. At present, they are able to cope with the operation with the help of reserves and the support of the cantons, but if the crisis lasts longer, job cuts and a reduction of the cultural program must be taken into consideration.

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tag Museen Besucherzahlen Finanzen öffentliche Finanzierung Claudia Rütsche Tobia Bezzola Toni Bürgin
Visual Arts/Design Bericht

Durchs Raster gefallen . Kulturschaffende in Coronakrise
Fallen through the cracks . the arts community during Corona crisis

by Sabine Seifert (29 Jul 2020)
Original source: taz

Three months after an initial conversation about her personal situation as an artist during the lockdown, Sabine Seifert meets again with a singer, a visual artist, an actor and a museum educator to talk with them about their experiences during the Corona crisis. The working conditions for the artists are still all but optimal, as the hygiene rules for all cultural fields of work entail restrictions. Many people appreciate the social network that is provided in Germany. Emergency aid and basic security have helped them to survive the last few months financ ially. However, applications for basic security have only increased by about a quarter. Due to the bad aura of basic security called Hartz IV, many people were reluctant to apply.
Even the applications for solo self-employed persons do not take into account the living and working conditions of artists even after three months. Seifert critically observes that in many federal states the cost of living may not be regarded as operating costs, but also the fact that in the second round applications may only be made by tax or accountants is completely ignoring the reality of small and medium-sized enterprises. Although the profession of an artist is fundamentally associated with uncertainty, the general conditions have currently changed radically. No one can predict with certainty how the pandemic will develop. When again which event format will be possible.
Olaf Zimmermann, Managing Director of the German Cultural Council, points out that the working structures on the cultural market have changed in recent years. Although there are fewer artists, there are more solo self-employed people in the field of cultural education, management and technology. Cultural policy has failed to counteract the precarious structures that have emerged here. Basically, according to Olaf Zimmermann, one should think about whether the classic concept of the entrepreneur still applies to artists and cultural workers - especially since they make an important contribution to society.

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tag Soforthilfe Grundsicherung Solidarität Verdi bbk Elisabeth Anschütz Sascha Oliver Bauer Ka Bomhardt Wilko Reinhold Olaf Zimmermann
All sections Bericht

Der verzögerte Kulturinfarkt . Resilienz des Kulturbetriebs
The delayed culture infarction . Resilience of the cultural sector

by Dieter Haselbach, Pius Knüsel (27 Jul 2020)
Original source: Kulturmanagement

The cultural industry has long been a two-tier society. While the state-financed cultural institutions will come through the crisis with the help of much public funding, the many private institutions and artists will fall victim to the crisis. The public institutions are not innocent of this, as they have used the solo self-employed as an inexhaustible reserve army.
In view of the fact that even before the crisis there was a discussion about the dwindling public in cultural institutions and the loss of significance of museums, the authors are irritated by a contri bution by Tobias J. Knobloch, President of the Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft, who urged that public funding be expanded in order to avert the consequences of the crisis for the cultural industry. In this context he also speaks of resilience.
Here it should not be forgotten that the crisis is the great time for cultural associations. They are now trying to get a share of the public funding.Differently it looks with the solo independent ones, which fall by the promotion rasters of the federation and federal state governments for enterprises and come thus over the rounds only with an application for unemployment relief ALG II .
Here the authors come to the crucial point of their article: Many artists do not have a business model that would be sustainable and provides for reserves and a sensible old-age provision. Postponing crisis and old-age provision until later is not a model with a future. Even if the state is currently generous, sustainable business practices must be introduced in the cultural sector.
In their outlook, the authors assume that the large state-financed houses will survive the crisis, and that many solo self-employed and privately financed houses will give up. Cultural tourism will also start again in 2021. The only chance the stakeholders have is to create new room for maneuver. A cultural infarction can currently only be avoided if the funding instruments and organizational principles are reconsidered and digitization is promoted.

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tag Museen Kulturförderung Soforthilfe Solo-Selbständige Hartz IV Olaf Zimmermann Tobias J. Knobloch
All sections Bericht

Die Maske ist hinnehmbar . Dreharbeiten in der Pandemie
The mask is tolerable . Filming during the pandemic

by Jörg Seewald (16 Jul 2020)
Original source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

The corona requirements confront the film industry with great challenges, but also lead to more concentrated work. The actors are grateful that they are allowed to work again - even if the rehearsals with masks are a challenge. A point of contention regarding payment is currently the quarantine days before shooting, which are rarely paid for the actors. A lot has changed on the film set itself. The most important man is now the hygiene officer. He is familiar with the applicable rules, advises on the implementation of the script and decides who is to be tested and which measures are appropriate. As the assessments of the situation change weekly, this task requires flexibility and tact, as the hygiene requirements also result in high costs. In the case of cinema films, these can amount to up to 150,000 euros.

There is currently still a rescue fund available for the cancellation or abandonment of shooting, which is to be replaced by the Federal Government's  »Neustart Kultur« [Restart Culture] programme. However, this only provides support for cinema film productions and high-quality series productions. Accordingly, broadcasters and production companies must bear the risks for TV productions themselves.


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tag Film Dreharbeiten Hygieneregeln Quarantäne-Tage ARD Neustart Kultur Ausfallfonds
Performing Arts/ Cinema Bericht

Lieber Maler, male mir! . Diskussion über Kunst in Coronakrise
Dear painter, paint for me! . Discussion on art during Corona crisis

by Ingo Arend (08 Jul 2020)
Original source: TAZ

Under the title »Painting by Numbers - Art in the Corona Crisis«, the Green Party in the German Bundestag invited to a discussion about a group that currently plays hardly any role in the public discourse about the Cornona Crisis: the visual artists. At the moment, there is great concern that the money from the economic stimulus package will flow into the support of museums and cultural institutions, but that the artists themselves will go away empty-handed.
The author Ingo Arndt is somewhat irritated by the fact that in the discussion about possible s olutions to the precarious situation of  artists, the idea of a New Deal, which Hans Ulrich Obrist brought up in April, has not been taken up. A large-scale acquisition project for museums and public institutions launched by the German government could offer a way out of the crisis by commissioning visual artists.


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tag Grundeinkommen Neustart Kultur Konjunkturpaket Die Grünen Lobby New Deal Erhard GrundlHans Ulrich Obrist
Visual Arts/Design Bericht

Sibler und Söder bremsen die Kultur aus . Kunst in Bayern
Sibler and Söder slow down the culture . Art in Bavaria

by Friedrich-Karl Bruhns, Vera Deininger, Axel Schertel (07 Jul 2020)
Original source: Süddeutsche Zeitung

In letters to the editor, the Süddeutsche Zeitung creates space for its readers to react to the cultural policy in Corona times in Bavaria. They react to articles by Egbert Tholl and an interview with the State Opera Director Nikolaus Bachler. The results are devastating. Vera Deininger calls on the newspaper to fight courageously for culture in the face of the failure of political decision-makers. Dr. Axel Schertel expresses the same impression with regard to Austria and Switzerland, where cultural events with up to 1000 visitors are to be permitted again from Sept ember. In addition to the extreme restrictions for orchestras, Friedrich-Karl Bruhns criticises the government's self-praise with regard to "aid for solo self-employed persons". Contrary to the official announcements, these aids do not reach many artists for various reasons - unrealistic requirements or missing application forms. Bruhns sees the fact that in return the business lobby was able to negotiate completely different regulations for air traffic as proof that the art and culture sector as well as the threat to the existence of artists and organizers is not taken seriously. The trade-off between necessary caution and possible opening should apply to everyone.

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tag Egbert Tholl Markus Söder Bernd Sibler Münchner Philharmoniker Soforthilfe Hygieneregeln
All sections Leserbriefe

Es fehlt die Angemessenheit der Mittel . Gesangsverbot für Chöre in Berlin

by Maria Ossowski (29 Jun 2020)
Original source: rbb24

Berlin has updated its Corona Ordinance and has banned singing in closed rooms strictly. There are no exceptions to this regulation. The regulations are to remain in force until 24 October. The choirs are annoyed because they were not informed about the new ban in advance.

tag Chöre Oper Berufsverbot Berlin Verhältnismäßigkeit
Music Kommentar

Interne Anweisung: »Schauspieler über 60 bitte eliminieren«
Internal directive: »Please eliminate actors over 60«

by Stefan Grund (17 Jun 2020)
Original source: Welt

In the last days, a letter has become known that the production company Saxonia Media has sent to the scriptwriters of the popular series "In aller Freundschaft" commissioned by the first German national TV channel ARD. In it they were asked to use actors over 60 in a very reduced way or even not to cast them at all. After there have been only rumours up to now that production companies encourage their script writers to remove old characters, this is the first case in which such a procedure has been proven. The German association of actors 'Berufsverband Sc hauspiel" is investigating all suspicious cases, not only to clarify them, but also to warn against such action.

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tag Fernsehserien ARD Schauspieler*innen Berufsverband Schauspiel Drehbuch Altersdiskriminierung
Performing Arts/ Cinema Bericht

Eight ways museums could make most of the coronavirus crisis . Failure to seize this opportunity to make changes would be a graver error than any breach of etiquette

by Adrian Ellis (11 Jun 2020)
Original source: The Art Newspaper

This article by Adrian Ellis draws from conversations in early May 2020 with museum directors in New York, Salem, Buffalo and Kansas City. They all agree to use the crisis to redefine the tasks of a museum by the following opportunities:
- Revaluating a new metrics of success
- Reviewing the strategies for exhibitions and education programmes
- Local social binding as «community anchors» by engaging the neighbourhood and deepening local partnerships
- Nurturing the virtual community
- Recalibrating the (conservative) organisati onal culture establishing mission and values
- Harnessing art to reimagine society
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tag Museum Neuausrichtung Museumspädagogik Strategie Digitalisierung
Visual Arts/Design Bericht

»Erwerbstätige dritter Klasse« . Soloselbstständige fühlen sich von Koalition im Stich gelassen
»Third-class employees« . The freelancers feel abandoned by the coalition

by Anja Müller, Frank Specht (07 Jun 2020)
Original source: Handelsblatt

Many solo self-employed people in the cultural and creative industries had high hopes for the new economic stimulus package of the German government. These remained largely unfulfilled. As before, the cost of living and thus an entrepreneur's salary cannot be claimed. For many self-employed persons, the only option left is to apply for the basic social care 'Hartz IV'. Last Friday, the Federal Council passed a resolution to support self-employed artists and media workers. It demands that at least they be granted a flat monthly subsidy to compensate for the lo ss of income.

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tag Konjunkturpaket Hartz IV Bundesrat Solo-Selbständige
All sections Bericht



The signet of facing arts joining the faces of STORM.

Facing arts is a non-profi project. Feel free to support it and get in touch with us!

The Team

Facing arts is a projet by STORM.

STORM is an acronym playing with the initials by Miriam Seidler & Tim Otto Roth, who are hit both by the Corona crisis. Dr. Miriam Seidler is a scholar in German literature and currently works as specialist in public relations. Dr. Tim Otto Roth is a scholar in art and science history and works as a conceptual artist and composer. He is known for his huge projects in public space, cooperations with leading scientific institutions and his immersive sound and light installations. Miriam and Tim collaborate regularly for years. With facing arts they reaslize their first common art project.
You find more informatin on both initiators on www.miriamseidler.de and www.imachination.net.

Special thanks to Paco Croket for the tag cloud programming!

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