Quo vadis ars?

The situation in the cultural sector has been described and discussed in numerous interviews, corona diaries, comments and reports in the past few weeks. Our annotated collection of currently 193 sources gathers voices from different sectors and media. This creates a picture of the cultural landscape in crisis, whose temporal transformation can be explored interactively via a dedicated tag cloud.


»Ich bin der Onkel Horst des Alltags« . Feridun Zaimoglu in der Coronakrise
»I am the uncle Horst of everyday life« . Feridun Zaimoglu during Corona crisis

by Johannes Kulms (06 May 2020)
Original source: Deutschlandfunk Kultur

tag Literatur Theater Lesung Honorar Umsatzeinbruch Soforthilfe Selbstmord Feridun Zaimoglu
Literature/ Text Bericht

Kultur in der Corona-Krise . Erwacht endlich aus der Schockstarre!
Culture during Corona Crisis . Finally wake up from freeze mode!

by Marco Frei, Christian Wildhagen (01 May 2020)
Original source: Neue Züricher Zeitung


tag Klassische Musik Konzerthäuser Gleichbehandlung Bundesliga Großveranstaltungen Onlineangebote Hygieneregeln
Music Beitrag

Wie verändert Corona die Kunstwelt?
How does Corona Changes the Art World?

by Sara Steinert (30 Apr 2020)
Original source: Kunst und Leben. Der Monopol-Podcast

tag Soforthilfe Netzkunst Galerien Daniel Birnbaum Elke Buhr Alexander Kluge Zoë Claire Miller
Visual Arts/Design Podcast

Wie Corona die Kunst demokratisiert . Historisches Missverständnis
How Corona Democratizes Art . A Historical Misunderstanding

by Richard Kämmerlings (27 Apr 2020)
Original source: Welt

tag Aura Kunstgenuss Streaming Walter Benjamin
Visual Arts/Design Beitrag

Wie könnte ein New Deal für die Kunst aussehen? . Kulturpolitik nach Corona
What could a New Deal for Art Look Like? . Cultural Policy after Corona

by Kolja Reichert (25 Apr 2020)
Original source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

tag Kulturförderung Honorare Monika Grütters
Visual Arts/Design Beitrag

Die Aussichten: grau bis düster . Künstler und die Corona-Krise
The prospects: grey to gloomy . Artists and the Corona crisis

by Eva-Maria Magel (22 Apr 2020)
Original source: Frankurter Allgemeine Zeitung

The Hessian Minister of Economics Tarek Al-Wazir has written to the German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Peter Altmeier. He is not only concerned that many artists are currently falling through the ranks of emergency aid, but also that there are no uniform regulations for the industry in the individual federal states. This is all the more dramatic because it is precisely the cultural and creative industries that will be affected the longest by the effects of the crisis. A solution to the problem hasn't appeared at the horizon so far. Municipal aid funds and p rivate fundraising campaigns are a current attempt to prevent the worst from happening.

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tag Hessen Soforthilfe Hartz IV Großveranstaltungen Tarek Al-Wazir Peter Altmaier
All sections Bericht

Sehr geehrte Frau Staatsministerin Professor Monika Grütters
Dear Miss Minister of State for Culture Professor Monika Grütters

by Lisa Batiashvili, Matthias Goerne, Thomas Hengelbrock, Anne-Sophie Mutter, René Pape, Christian Thielemann (19 Apr 2020)
Original source: offener Brief

Representing all the well-known and unknown artists, the signatories to the open letter turn to Monika Grütters for support. They are disappointed with the offer of the Minister of State for Culture that artists can apply for social welfare and that there are few other offers of help for the cultural sector. This reveals that art is understood as a luxury for good times and is not equated to other industries.

tag Grundsicherung Monika Grütters Kunst als Luxus Lisa Batiashvili Matthias Goerne Thomas Hengelbrock Anne-Sophie Mutter René Pape Christian Thielemann
Music offener Brief

»Eine Konventionalstrafe ist in jedem guten Vertrag enthalten« . Geldsorgen der Kunst
»A contractual penalty is included in every good contract« . Money worries of art

by Eva-Maria Magl (13 Mar 2020)
Original source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

tag Theater Kino Schließungen Kulturszene Frankfurt
Performing Arts/ Cinema Bericht

Musik gegen die Stille
Music against silence

by Jens Lehmann (13 Mar 2020)
Original source: rbb24

All concerts are cancelled, but the orchestras want to play and consequently relocate their concerts to the net. The helplessness of the organisers can be seen on these online presentations, however, and Simon Rattle sums it up at the concert of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra: At a time when people have to keep their distance, you want to give comfort with music. Nevertheless, the excellent range of concerts on offer should not hide the fact that musicians and ensembles find themselves in a situation that threatens their very existence.

tag Neue Musik Geisterkonzert Simon Rattle Berliner Philharmoniker
Music Kommentar

'The death of theater' . Tokyo Met Theater director’s stand against coronavirus closures

by Ben K. (05 Mar 2020)
Original source: Japan Today

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's address to the Japanese people on 27 February 2020 is not only met with acceptance in Japan, which is keen to strike a balance. There are also protests against his request to organisers of sports and cultural events to postpone or cancel events in the following two weeks. Hideki Noda, playwright, director, actor and artistic director of the Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre, doubts the recommended closures. His statement, which he published on the website NODAMAP, caused heated discussions on the net. Noda emphasises that theatre, unlike sporting events, can only be realised with an audience. His great fear is that it will be difficult to reopen theatres.For him, a closure always carries the danger of the »death of the theatre«.

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tag Japan Theater Hideki Noda Schließung Tod des Theaters
Performing Arts/ Cinema Bericht



The signet of facing arts joining the faces of STORM.

Facing arts is a non-profi project. Feel free to support it and get in touch with us!

The Team

Facing arts is a projet by STORM.

STORM is an acronym playing with the initials by Miriam Seidler & Tim Otto Roth, who are hit both by the Corona crisis. Dr. Miriam Seidler is a scholar in German literature and currently works as specialist in public relations. Dr. Tim Otto Roth is a scholar in art and science history and works as a conceptual artist and composer. He is known for his huge projects in public space, cooperations with leading scientific institutions and his immersive sound and light installations. Miriam and Tim collaborate regularly for years. With facing arts they reaslize their first common art project.
You find more informatin on both initiators on www.miriamseidler.de and www.imachination.net.

Special thanks to Paco Croket for the tag cloud programming!

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