Quo vadis ars?

The situation in the cultural sector has been described and discussed in numerous interviews, corona diaries, comments and reports in the past few weeks. Our annotated collection of currently 193 sources gathers voices from different sectors and media. This creates a picture of the cultural landscape in crisis, whose temporal transformation can be explored interactively via a dedicated tag cloud.


»Das ist eine neue Kunstgattung«
»That's a new genre«

by Christian Riethmüller (22 May 2020)
Original source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

On Friday, May 22nd, a new format of live entertainment did celebrate its premiere in Frankfurt: With the Stage-Drive-Kulturbühne, the cultural stage at the Jahrhunderthalle has developed a format based on the drive-in cinema, which again makes a cultural program with comedy and cabaret, music, literature and film possible. The stage is supported by two LED screens, each 50 square meters in size, which make the events visible to the visitors. They sit in the parking lot, distributed over 300 vehicles, sorted according to size. The sound is transmitted to the car rad ios via a dedicated FM frequency. Tickets are sold per car. Outside of the vehicles the usual hygiene rules apply. Whether the format works, for example if a cabaret artist cannot hear the laughter of his audience, can be seen here from Friday on. Moritz Jaeschke, Managing Director of the Jahrhunderthalle, developed the new stage format in close cooperation with the Frankfurt/Rhine-Main Business Initiative, which also provides financial support for the project. The business initiative is convinced that culture should not be neglected as an important location factor in the region. The stage could also be used for other purposes such as company presentations. First of all, however, a multifaceted cultural program is planned, which can be accessed via the Jahrhunderthalle's homepage.

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tag Stage-Drive-Kulturbühne Frankfurt Wirtschaftsfaktor
Performing Arts/ Cinema Bericht

Zurück aus dem Netz: Theater unter Corona-Auflagen
Back from the Web: Theatre under Corona Constraints

by Susanne Burkhardt, Elena Philipp (22 May 2020)
Original source: Deutschlandfunk Kultur

In the »Theatre podcast« by Deutschlandfunk, Susanne Burkhardt and Elena Philipp, theater critic Cornelia Fiedler and actor Matthias Wuttke investigate the limitations of the crisis and the opportunities that the reopening of houses can bring. Few houses have found ways to show current productions under the conditions of the lockdown. It turns out that theaters in Germany have developed many formats in recent decades that now enable corona-compatible forms of theater.

tag Theater Theaterformen Onlineangebote Hygieneregeln Cornelia Fiedler Matthias Wuttke
Performing Arts/ Cinema Podcast

Eine Frage der Klimaanlage? . Corona und Kulturveranstaltungen
An air-conditioning issue? . Corona and cultural events

by Reinhard J. Brembeck (22 May 2020)
Original source: Süddeutsche Zeitung

Even before the crisis, the promotion of the independent art scene was not very lavish. Currently, the survival of the arts are not considered to be of relevance in politics. While aid for Lufthansa and the easing of restrictions for football matches are being discussed, support for artists is only hesitant. Even large orchestras such as the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra are going into short-time work. Although the concert halls don't want to become a virus hotspot, the ban on exercising their profession is ruining them financially. Houses like the Festspielhaus in B aden-Baden or the Berlin Philharmonic have to generate a large part of their income themselves. Even rich institutions soon go bankrupt. In this situation, the commentator asks the question whether the artists should not put forward their demands just as shamelessly as other commercial enterprises.

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tag Konzerthäuser Berufsverbot Fluggesellschaften Hygieneregeln
Music Kommentar

Wenn der Atem nach Freiheit dürstet . Endlich wieder im Konzert
When the breath thirsts for freedom . Finally in concert again

by Manuel Brug (20 May 2020)
Original source: Welt

For eight weeks and two days, Manuel Brug, the feuilleton contributor to the German newspaper Welt, did not attend any more cultural events. For the first live concert in Corona times he is travelling to Wiesbaden for the slimmed-down May Festival, which opens with the world-class bass and Corona rebel Günther Groissböck. Even though it was painfully experienced during the Corona era that culture is not relevant to the system and that politics is merely settling between gambling and brothel, this field report encourages the belief that the cultural industry can slowly reboot.

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tag Klassische Musik Konzert Systemrelevanz Günther Groissböck Hygieneregeln Wiesbaden
Music Erlebnisbericht

Hygieneregeln . Dem Publikum stehen keine leichten Zeiten bevor
Hygiene Guidelines . The audience is not facing easy times.

by Jörg Häntzschel (19 May 2020)
Original source: Süddeutsche Zeitung

In the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Jörg Häntzschel takes a critical look at the hygiene rules that the Ministers of Culture of the federal states have drawn up together with Monika Grütters, federal Minister of State for Culture, for theaters, opera houses and concert halls. The many interventions and specifications for the operation of the theaters make it clear that even the reopening will be associated with heavy financial losses if the distance rule of 1.50 meters distance has to be implemented. In addition, not only the air conditioning technology must be adapted, but also the health of the visitors and the distance of the employees - i.e. the artistic actors on stage and during rehearsals - must be kept in mind. Only a small ray of hope remains here that the regulations are to apply to the whole of Germany and that not every federal state will introduce its own rules. But what concerns Häntzschel more than the concrete hygiene rules is the way in which artists are currently treated in political discourse. On the one hand, art is transfigured to a kind of »secular universal religion«, which is supposed to be a »therapy against loneliness, a weapon against populism and the humus of democracy«. The author sees a form of »cultural war economy« in the very detailed recommendations as to how the houses should fill the time until the resumption of play. After all, the paper shows little confidence in the creativity of the industry, which is not only given the marching orders by the ministers, but also the way to go.

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tag Theater Kino Oper Hygieneregeln Universalreligion Monika Grütters kulturelle Kriegswirtschaft
Performing Arts/ Cinema Bericht

Eine Frauenquote ist jetzt überfällig . Pro Quote Film zur Coronakrise
Women's quota is now overdue . Pro Quote Film in occasion of Corona crisis

by Dunja Bialas (14 May 2020)
Original source: Tagesspiegel

In a press conference, the Pro Quote Film initiative commented on the retraditionalization of the role of women and the corona crisis in general. As screenwriters report, roles for actors from the risk groups are skipped. Older women in particular are currently concerned. Therefore, the initiative calls for the upcoming amendment to the law on public film funding in Germany to set a quota for women in films.

tag Film Pro Quote Film Frauenrolle Gender Equality Alter Risikogruppen Schauspielerinnen Drehbuch Filmförderung Gesetzesnovelle Monika Grütters Silke Cecilia Schultz Maren Kroymann
Performing Arts/ Cinema Bericht

Schwer zu lesen . Keine Messe, kein Amazon, keine Aufmerksamkeit: Corona hat den Buchmarkt hart getroffen.
Difficult to read . No trade fair, no Amazon, no attention: Corona hit the book market severely

by Christoph Schröder (12 May 2020)
Original source: Die Zeit

tag Buchbranche Verlage Buchmesse Herbstprogramm Umsatzeinbruch Jo Lendle Grusche Juncker Andreas Rötzer
Literature/ Text Bericht

So könnte Theater . Kultur in München
This is how theater could become »Corona-compatible« . Culture in Munich

by Egbert Tholl, Reinhard J. Brembeck (08 May 2020)
Original source: Süddeutsche Zeitung

In Munich, Christian Stückl, the director of the municipal Volkstheater, and Anton Biebl, head of the cultural department of the city of Munich, presented a concept for a theater in corona times. They want to protect visitors and employees with corona-compatible pieces, little equipment, conversions in the auditorium and performances without breaks. The new season should start again at the end of July at the Volkstheater. In this way, loss of revenue from past spring could be compensated. After all, theaters, opera houses and orchestras will not survive another dry spell until autumn.

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tag Theater Zuschauer*innen Vorstellungen Hygieneregeln Christian Stückl Anton Biebl München
Performing Arts/ Cinema Bericht

Zeitenwende in der Klassik . Konzertveranstalter in der Coronakrise
The turn of an era in classical music . Concert management in Corona times

by Karsten Witt, Eckhard Roelcke (08 May 2020)
Original source: Deutschlandfunk Kultur

The classical music scene is facing a structural change as a result of the Corona crisis. Eckhard Roelcke talks with music manager Karsten Witt about the scenarios and what opportunities the crisis might bring. He is concerned that not only the event management for concerts will change radically after the crisis. He also predicts that all artists, ensembles and orchestras that are not subsidized will hardly be able to hold their own on the market in the future.

tag Klassische Musik Ensembles Konzerthäuser Veranstalter Konzertagenturen
Music Interview

Die Durststrecke der Paparazzi . Fotograf*innen in Corona-Krise
Dry Spell for Paparazzi . Photographers during Corona crisis

by Steffen Grimberg (07 May 2020)
Original source: taz

The crisis does not only affect the paparazzi, the image hunters in the celebrity world, but all photographers. Since there are hardly any permanently employed "staff photographers" left, they are now working as freelance visual artists and have had a hard time for decades. Now the commissions are missing - with no hope of a recovery in the near future. 

tag Fotografie
Visual Arts/Design Kommentar



The signet of facing arts joining the faces of STORM.

Facing arts is a non-profi project. Feel free to support it and get in touch with us!

The Team

Facing arts is a projet by STORM.

STORM is an acronym playing with the initials by Miriam Seidler & Tim Otto Roth, who are hit both by the Corona crisis. Dr. Miriam Seidler is a scholar in German literature and currently works as specialist in public relations. Dr. Tim Otto Roth is a scholar in art and science history and works as a conceptual artist and composer. He is known for his huge projects in public space, cooperations with leading scientific institutions and his immersive sound and light installations. Miriam and Tim collaborate regularly for years. With facing arts they reaslize their first common art project.
You find more informatin on both initiators on www.miriamseidler.de and www.imachination.net.

Special thanks to Paco Croket for the tag cloud programming!

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