Quo vadis ars?

The situation in the cultural sector has been described and discussed in numerous interviews, corona diaries, comments and reports in the past few weeks. Our annotated collection of currently 193 sources gathers voices from different sectors and media. This creates a picture of the cultural landscape in crisis, whose temporal transformation can be explored interactively via a dedicated tag cloud.


DOV: In der Klassik fallen viele durch alle Förderraster . Corona-Hilfen für die Musik
DOV: In classical music, many fall through all the funding cracks . Corona aids for music

by Gerald Mertens, Jörg Biesler (02 Aug 2020)
Original source: Deutschlandfunk

Funding conditions for the music sector were extended by the federal government. Living costs can now also be taken into account. Nevertheless, the support is far from sufficient to compensate for the billions lost in the industry - especially since all employment routes for musicians have been cut off at the same time.
Gerald Mertens, Managing Director of the German Orchestra Association (DOV), describes the current situation of artists and orchestras in an interview. He predicts that many musicians will look for other jobs because they cannot cover 12 months of loss of income from reserves. He formulates the demand that the federal and state governments must give more support to classical music, which is currently falling through all the cracks.

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tag klassische Musik Orchester Berufsverbot Initiative Musik Umsatzeinbruch Kulturförderung
Music Interview

Lieber Maler, male mir! . Diskussion über Kunst in Coronakrise
Dear painter, paint for me! . Discussion on art during Corona crisis

by Ingo Arend (08 Jul 2020)
Original source: TAZ

Under the title »Painting by Numbers - Art in the Corona Crisis«, the Green Party in the German Bundestag invited to a discussion about a group that currently plays hardly any role in the public discourse about the Cornona Crisis: the visual artists. At the moment, there is great concern that the money from the economic stimulus package will flow into the support of museums and cultural institutions, but that the artists themselves will go away empty-handed.
The author Ingo Arndt is somewhat irritated by the fact that in the discussion about possible s olutions to the precarious situation of  artists, the idea of a New Deal, which Hans Ulrich Obrist brought up in April, has not been taken up. A large-scale acquisition project for museums and public institutions launched by the German government could offer a way out of the crisis by commissioning visual artists.


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tag Grundeinkommen Neustart Kultur Konjunkturpaket Die Grünen Lobby New Deal Erhard GrundlHans Ulrich Obrist
Visual Arts/Design Bericht

Solidarität in der Krise . Die Online-Plattform »Artist in the Box«
Solidarity during the crisis . The online platform »Artist in the Box«

by Susanna Schürmanns (04 Jul 2020)
Original source: WDR

What would a society be without art? What would happen if all artists went on strike for a year? This is a thought at the moment that impressively demonstrates the importance of art for society and its critical potential.  The situation of artists in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) is dramatic. Many of the freelance artists are fighting for survival. The project "Artist in the box" wants to draw attention to this precarious situation. About 60 artists, including such well-known photographers as Boris Becker, offer works online. Part of the income goes to the author, but a community contribution is also distributed among all artists. In this way the project wants to help everyone to survive the crisis unscathed.
The Corona Pandemic did not only affect the four photographers from Cologne, who initiated the project completely unprepared. The order books were full, project applications were approved when one cancellation after the other arrived at the beginning of March, and all income was wiped out overnight. Even though the state government in NRW provides support, the hurdles to obtaining it are great. Only half of the 30,000 artists in NRW received the 2,000 € in emergency aid, and many will probably have to pay back the 9,000 € for solo self-employed artists. The basic security as a means of subsistence does not include money for tools and equipment, without which the artists cannot pursue their profession. An instrument parallel to short-time work, as demanded by Heike Herold of the Kulturrat NRW, does not exist for the scene.

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tag Fotografie NRW Solidarität Artist in the box Soforthilfe Hartz IV Umsatzeinbruch Kurzarbeit
Visual Arts/Design Fernsehfeature

Künstler schweigen für faire Bezahlung
Artists fall silent for fair payment

by Lukas Möschl (17 Jun 2020)
Original source: ORF

On Wednesday evening, Salzburg artists stood in silence on the Residenzplatz. With their demonstration they wanted to point out the situation of the cultural sector in the Corona crisis.  In contrast to Germany and France, the artists in Austria feel abandoned by the black-green federal government, because it is currently hardly possible for freelancers to receive unemployment benefits or a minimum income.

tag Honorar Kulturförderung Solo-Selbständige
All sections Bericht

Das Eine-Milliarde-Euro-Baby
The One-Billion-Euro-Baby

by Dirk Peitz (05 Jun 2020)
Original source: Zeit

Dirk Peitz explores the question of how the crisis of culture in Germany can be described exactly and who is currently bearing the costs that arise in the cultural sector. The »latent lack of systemic relevance« could become a problem for the industry if the economic crisis becomes more severe or lasts longer than currently expected. While the approximately 1.7 million employees are currently an argument in favour of artists, cultural funding could be discontinued very quickly in times of tight budgets.

tag Monika Grütters Konjunkturpaket Kulturförderung Systemrelevanz
All sections Analyse

Überraschung oder Enttäuschung . Was steckt drin im Kulturpaket?
Surprise or disappointment? . What comprises the stimulus package for culture?

by Felicitas Twickel (29 May 2020)
Original source: Aspekte

In the coming week, the German federal government is to adopt an economic stimulus package for the cultural and creative industries. The hopes for support are high. Felicitas Twickel spoke to representatives of the industry who were particularly affected by the pandemic. In addition to the organizers of festivals, which will lose all income in 2020 without replacement, the freelancers in particular are affected by the crisis. If it is not possible to promote them with the announced cultural package, then the diversity of culture and music in Germany is in peril.

tag Konjunkturpaket Berufsverbot Soforthilfe Hygieneregeln Solo-Selbständige Existenzangst
All sections Beitrag

»Die Blockbuster haben ausgedient« . Museen nach dem Shutdown
»The blockbusters had their day« . Museums after shutdown

by Hans D. Christ, Iris Dressler (23 May 2020)
Original source: Welt

In a conversation with WELT newspaper, the heads of the Württembergischer Kunstverein in Stuttgart Iris Dressler and Hans D. Christ make an argument to take advantage of the lockdown for a deeper reflection on the art world. Their text is not only a plea for a reasonable payment for the artists, but at the same time an invitation to the art institutions not to focus on a mass audience in the future, but rather to understand the houses as spaces of ideas and discourse, in which sociopolitical issues are negotiated.

tag Museen Blockbuster Honorar
Visual Arts/Design Interview

»Wie ein Rennauto, das in die Wand fährt« . Erfolgsproduzent Oliver Auspitz über die Film-Branche im Corona-Modus, Ulrike Lunaceks Rücktritt, Kanzler-Hilfe und die ROMY
»Like a racing car driving into the ground«

by Oliver Auspitz, Christoph Silber (16 May 2020)
Original source: Kurier

tag Filmproduktion Ausfallfonds ORF
Performing Arts/ Cinema Interview

Kultur in der Corona-Krise . Erwacht endlich aus der Schockstarre!
Culture during Corona Crisis . Finally wake up from freeze mode!

by Marco Frei, Christian Wildhagen (01 May 2020)
Original source: Neue Züricher Zeitung


tag Klassische Musik Konzerthäuser Gleichbehandlung Bundesliga Großveranstaltungen Onlineangebote Hygieneregeln
Music Beitrag

. #KulturTrotztCorona
General strike against starving culture . #CultureDefyingCorona

by Peter Weibel (28 Apr 2020)
Original source: Kulturnews

The magazine Kulturnews calls on its homepage under the hashtag #KulturTrotztCorona protagonists from different cultural sectors to show the "resistance of the cultural scene under the most adverse circumstances" and at the same time to document the effects of the crisis. The kick-off for this series is made with a statement by the Austrian media artist, curator and media theorist Prof. Peter Weibel, head of the Center for Art and Media (ZKM) in Karlsruhe. Peter Weibel begins his contribution with a fundamental discussion about the role of culture in society.p> Read More Read Less

tag Streik Wissenschaft artistic research Peter Weibel
Visual Arts/Design Statement



The signet of facing arts joining the faces of STORM.

Facing arts is a non-profi project. Feel free to support it and get in touch with us!

The Team

Facing arts is a projet by STORM.

STORM is an acronym playing with the initials by Miriam Seidler & Tim Otto Roth, who are hit both by the Corona crisis. Dr. Miriam Seidler is a scholar in German literature and currently works as specialist in public relations. Dr. Tim Otto Roth is a scholar in art and science history and works as a conceptual artist and composer. He is known for his huge projects in public space, cooperations with leading scientific institutions and his immersive sound and light installations. Miriam and Tim collaborate regularly for years. With facing arts they reaslize their first common art project.
You find more informatin on both initiators on www.miriamseidler.de and www.imachination.net.

Special thanks to Paco Croket for the tag cloud programming!

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